Resources for Pets and Their People

Below is a list of resources for guidance and advice about common behavior and training concerns for new and not-so-new pet owners. I hope these resources will give pet owners understanding and advice about their pet's and animal behavior to help them better care for and handle their pet’s needs. I share this information in hopes that this knowledge will help reduce the number of animals being surrendered to shelters that are at a much higher risk of being euthanized in a shelter.

Pet Grief Support

Farewell to Fido: Grief coaching for those experiencing the loss of a pet.  Text: (303) 260-8216. Vibeke Seymour provides pet loss grief coaching services. Available by phone or Zoom. Complimentary 20-minute session available.

Rainbow Bridge Poem:

When a Pet Dies by Fred Rogers: This book by the amazing Fred Rogers is such a comforting book. Click here to view the Amazon listing

Florida Pet Trainers 

Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APDT): FREE videos for Dog and Cat related training and behavior issues on their “Resources” page:

Jackson Galaxy's Blog on Cat Behavior includes Litter Box Tips and Cat Behavioral Concerns:

Cesar Milan's Website is full of resources on dog training and behavior, including a FREE e-book on Essential Commands to Teach Your Dog:

Dog Wise has countless resources and books on all things related to dog behavior, training, and even the evolution of dogs as a species:

Traveling with Pets

SPCA Tampa Bay has resources for budget-friendly vaccinations, a free pet food bank, and many wonderful pets available for adoption and much more:

Should I add something? Let me know!

Need More Information?

Clearwater, St. Petersburg, Tampa, Florida

Mobile: (305) 801-6232
Phone: (727) 559-2873
or Click the Contact button below